18 std::vector<Diagnostic> &Diags;
21 Sema(std::string_view Src, std::vector<Diagnostic> &Diags)
22 : Src(Src), Diags(Diags) {}
27 static void removeFormal(
Fix &F,
const FormalVector::const_iterator &Rm,
42 void dedupFormal(std::map<std::string, const Formal *> &Dedup,
82 const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AttrName>> &Path);
88 std::shared_ptr<Expr> E,
96 std::shared_ptr<Binds>
97 std::shared_ptr<Misc> Rec);
100 std::shared_ptr<Identifier> ID,
101 std::shared_ptr<Formals> F);
Attribute set after deduplication.
SemaAttrs * selectOrCreate(SemaAttrs &SA, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< AttrName > > &Path)
void insertAttr(SemaAttrs &SA, std::shared_ptr< AttrName > Name, std::shared_ptr< Expr > E, Attribute::AttributeKind Kind)
void lowerInherit(SemaAttrs &Attr, const Inherit &Inherit)
std::shared_ptr< ExprAttrs > onExprAttrs(LexerCursorRange Range, std::shared_ptr< Binds > Binds, std::shared_ptr< Misc > Rec)
std::shared_ptr< LambdaArg > onLambdaArg(LexerCursorRange Range, std::shared_ptr< Identifier > ID, std::shared_ptr< Formals > F)
void dedupFormal(std::map< std::string, const Formal * > &Dedup, const FormalVector &FV)
Deduplicate formals.
void lowerInheritName(SemaAttrs &SA, std::shared_ptr< AttrName > Name, std::shared_ptr< Expr > E, Attribute::AttributeKind InheritKind)
void mergeAttrSets(SemaAttrs &XAttrs, const SemaAttrs &YAttrs)
Perform attrsets merging while duplicated fields are both attrsets.
void checkFormalEllipsis(const FormalVector &FV)
Check if ellipsis "...".
void lowerBinds(SemaAttrs &SA, const Binds &B)
void addAttr(SemaAttrs &Attr, const AttrPath &Path, std::shared_ptr< Expr > E)
Insert the binding: AttrPath = E; into Attr.
void checkFormalSep(const FormalVector &FV)
Check if there is a seperator "," between formals.
void dupAttr(std::string Name, LexerCursorRange Range, LexerCursorRange Prev)
Formals::FormalVector FormalVector
void checkAttrRecursiveForMerge(const ExprAttrs &XAttrs, const ExprAttrs &YAttrs)
Check if these two attrsets has the same "recursive" modifier.
void checkFormalEmpty(const FormalVector &FV)
Diagnose empty formal i.e. single comma.
std::shared_ptr< Formals > onFormals(LexerCursorRange Range, FormalVector FV)
static void removeFormal(Fix &F, const FormalVector::const_iterator &Rm, const FormalVector &FV)
Make text edits to remove a formal.
Sema(std::string_view Src, std::vector< Diagnostic > &Diags)
static std::pair< std::shared_ptr< Expr >, Attribute::AttributeKind > desugarInheritExpr(std::shared_ptr< AttrName > Name, std::shared_ptr< Expr > E)
Desugar inherit (expr) a, inherit a, into select, or variable.