
The configuration options for copilot-vim without the copilot_ prefix.

For example, the following settings are equivialent to these :setglobal commands:

  • foo_bar = 1 -> :setglobal copilot_foo_bar=1
  • hello = "world" -> :setglobal copilot_hello="world"
  • some_toggle = true -> :setglobal copilot_some_toggle
  • other_toggle = false -> :setglobal nocopilot_other_toggle

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  filetypes = {
    "*" = false;
    python = true;
  proxy = "localhost:3128";
  proxy_strict_ssl = false;
  workspace_folders = [

Declared by:


A dictionary mapping file types to their enabled status.

Type: null or (attribute set of boolean)

Default: null


  "*" = false;
  python = true;

Declared by:


Tell Copilot what node binary to use.

Type: null or string

Default: lib.getExe pkgs.nodejs-18_x

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Tell Copilot what proxy server to use.

If this is not set, Copilot will use the value of environment variables like $HTTPS_PROXY.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Example: "localhost:3128"

Declared by:


Corporate proxies sometimes use a man-in-the-middle SSL certificate which is incompatible with GitHub Copilot. To work around this, SSL certificate verification can be disabled by setting this option to false.

You can also tell Node.js to disable SSL verification by setting the $NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to "0".

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Declared by:


A list of “workspace folders” or project roots that Copilot may use to improve to improve the quality of suggestions.

Example: [“~/Projects/myproject”]

You can also set b:workspace_folder for an individual buffer and newly seen values will be added automatically.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: null

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