
Maximum number of symbols to return.

A smaller number can help to improve performance in deeply nested paths.

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 16

Declared by:


A function that takes the last symbol in the result got from the path source and returns an alternative symbol to show if the current buffer is modified.

For information about dropbar symbols, see |dropbar-developers-classes-dropbar_symbol_t|.

To set a different icon, name, or highlights when the buffer is modified, you can change the corresponding fields in the returned symbol:

  return sym:merge({
    name = .. ' [+]',
    icon = ' ',
    name_hl = 'DiffAdded',
    icon_hl = 'DiffAdded',
    -- ...

Type: null or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: lib.nixvim.mkRaw "function(sym) return sym end"

Declared by:


A function that takes a file name and returns whether to include it in the results shown in the drop-down menu.

Type: null or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: lib.nixvim.mkRaw "function(_) return true end"

Declared by:


A boolean or a function that takes a file path and returns whether to preview the file under cursor.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: lib.nixvim.mkRaw "function(path)\n local stat = vim.uv.fs_stat(path)\n if not stat or stat.type ~= 'file' then\n return false\n end\n if stat.size > 524288 then\n vim.notify(\n string.format(\n '[dropbar.nvim] file \"%s\" too large to preview',\n path\n ),\n vim.log.levels.WARN\n )\n return false\n end\n return true\nend\n"

Declared by:


The path to use as the root of the relative path.

If a function is provided, it will be called with the current buffer number and window id as arguments and should return a string to be used as the root of the relative path.

Notice: currently does not support .. relative paths.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: lib.nixvim.mkRaw "function(_, win)\n -- Workaround for Vim:E5002: Cannot find window number\n local ok, cwd = pcall(vim.fn.getcwd, win)\n return ok and cwd or vim.fn.getcwd()\nend\n"

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