
How to align the notification window.

Type: null or one of “top”, “bottom”, “avoid_cursor” or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "bottom"

Declared by:


Defines the border to use for the notification window. Accepts same border values as nvim_open_win(). See :help nvim_open_win() for more info.

Type: null or string or list of string or list of list of string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "none"

Declared by:


Highlight group for the notification window border.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: ""

Declared by:


Maximum height of the notification window.

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 0

Declared by:


Maximum width of the notification window.

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 0

Declared by:


Base highlight group in the notification window.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "Comment"

Declared by:


What the notification window position is relative to.

Type: null or one of “editor”, “win” or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "editor"

Declared by:


Background color opacity in the notification window.

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 100

Declared by:


Horizontal padding of the notification window.

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 1

Declared by:


Vertical padding of the notification window.

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 0

Declared by:


Stacking priority of the notification window.

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 45

Declared by: