
Whether to use the push url for git issue linking. You can also pass a function.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: false

Example: lib.nixvim.mkRaw "function(fname)\n return fname:match(\"myproject\")\nend\n"

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List of git remotes to search for git issue linking, in priority. You can also pass a function.

Type: null or (list of (string or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:


Example: lib.nixvim.mkRaw "function(fname)\n if fname:match(\"myproject\") then\n return { \"mygit\" }\n end\n return { \"upstream\", \"origin\" }\nend\n"

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Search engine to use when searching for text. Built-in options are "google", "duckduckgo", "ecosia", "yandex", and "bing". You can also pass a custom search engine, such as "".

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "google"

Declared by:

If your cursor is e.g. on a link, the pattern for the link AND for the word will always match. This disables this behaviour for default so that the link is opened without the select option for the word AND link.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: false

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