
Options provided to the require('hex').setup function.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ assemble_cmd = "xxd -r"; dump_cmd = "xxd -g 1 -u"; }

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cli command used to dump hex data.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "xxd -r"

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cli command used to dump hex data.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "xxd -g 1 -u"

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Function that runs on BufReadPost to determine if it’s binary or not. It should return a boolean value.

Type: null or lua code string

Default: null

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Function that runs on BufReadPre to determine if it’s binary or not. It should return a boolean value.

Type: null or lua code string

Default: null

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