
Whether all diagnostics should be enabled or not.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: true

Declared by:


Disable certain diagnostics globally. For example, if you want all warnings for lowercase-global to be disabled, the value for diagnostics.disable would be ["lowercase-global"].

Type: null or (list of (string or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: [ ]

Declared by:


Disable diagnosis of Lua files that have the set schemes.

Type: null or (list of (string or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:


Declared by:


An array of variable names that will be declared as global.

Type: null or (list of (string or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: [ ]

Declared by:


Set the file status required for each diagnostic group. This setting is an Object of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the diagnostic group and the value is the state that a file must be in in order for the diagnostic group to apply.

Valid state values:

  • "Any" - Any loaded file (workspace, library, etc.) will use this diagnostic group
  • "Opened" - Only opened files will use this diagnostic group
  • "None" - This diagnostic group will be disabled
  • "Fallback" - The diagnostics in this group are controlled individually by diagnostics.neededFileStatus

Type: null or (attribute set of (one of “Any”, “Opened”, “None”, “Fallback” or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  ambiguity = "Fallback";
  await = "Fallback";
  codestyle = "Fallback";
  duplicate = "Fallback";
  global = "Fallback";
  luadoc = "Fallback";
  redefined = "Fallback";
  strict = "Fallback";
  strong = "Fallback";
  type-check = "Fallback";
  unbalanced = "Fallback";
  unused = "Fallback";

Declared by:


Maps diagnostic groups to severity levels.

Valid severity values:

  • "Error" - An error will be raised
  • "Warning" - A warning will be raised
  • "Information" - An information or note will be raised
  • "Hint" - The affected code will be “hinted” at
  • "Fallback" - The diagnostics in this group will be controlled individually by diagnostics.severity

Type: null or (attribute set of (one of “Error”, “Warning”, “Information”, “Hint”, “Fallback” or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  ambiguity = "Fallback";
  await = "Fallback";
  codestyle = "Fallback";
  duplicate = "Fallback";
  global = "Fallback";
  luadoc = "Fallback";
  redefined = "Fallback";
  strict = "Fallback";
  strong = "Fallback";
  type-check = "Fallback";
  unbalanced = "Fallback";
  unused = "Fallback";

Declared by:


Set how files that have been ignored should be diagnosed.

  • "Enable" - Always diagnose ignored files… kind of defeats the purpose of ignoring them.
  • "Opened" - Only diagnose ignored files when they are open
  • "Disable" - Ignored files are fully ignored

Type: null or one of “Enable”, “Opened”, “Disable” or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "Opened"

Declared by:


Set how files loaded with workspace.library are diagnosed.

  • "Enable" - Always diagnose library files
  • "Opened" - Only diagnose library files when they are open
  • "Disable" - Never diagnose library files

Type: null or one of “Enable”, “Opened”, “Disable” or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "Opened"

Declared by:


Maps diagnostic groups to file states.

Valid states:

  • "Any" - Any loaded file (workspace, library, etc.) will use this diagnostic group
  • "Opened" - Only opened files will use this diagnostic group
  • "None" - This diagnostic group will be disabled
  • "Any!" - Like "Any" but overrides diagnostics.groupFileStatus
  • "Opened!" - Like "Opened" but overrides diagnostics.groupFileStatus
  • "None!" - Like "None" but overrides diagnostics.groupFileStatus

Type: null or (attribute set of (one of “Any”, “Opened”, “None”, “Any!”, “Opened!”, “None!” or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  ambiguity-1 = "Any";
  assign-type-mismatch = "Opened";
  await-in-sync = "None";
  cast-local-type = "Opened";
  cast-type-mismatch = "Any";
  circle-doc-class = "Any";
  close-non-object = "Any";
  code-after-break = "Opened";
  codestyle-check = "None";
  count-down-loop = "Any";
  deprecated = "Any";
  different-requires = "Any";
  discard-returns = "Any";
  doc-field-no-class = "Any";
  duplicate-doc-alias = "Any";
  duplicate-doc-field = "Any";
  duplicate-doc-param = "Any";
  duplicate-index = "Any";
  duplicate-set-field = "Any";
  empty-block = "Opened";
  global-in-nil-env = "Any";
  lowercase-global = "Any";
  missing-parameter = "Any";
  missing-return = "Any";
  missing-return-value = "Any";
  need-check-nil = "Opened";
  newfield-call = "Any";
  newline-call = "Any";
  no-unknown = "None";
  not-yieldable = "None";
  param-type-mismatch = "Opened";
  redefined-local = "Opened";
  redundant-parameter = "Any";
  redundant-return = "Opened";
  redundant-return-value = "Any";
  redundant-value = "Any";
  return-type-mismatch = "Opened";
  spell-check = "None";
  trailing-space = "Opened";
  unbalanced-assignments = "Any";
  undefined-doc-class = "Any";
  undefined-doc-name = "Any";
  undefined-doc-param = "Any";
  undefined-env-child = "Any";
  undefined-field = "Opened";
  undefined-global = "Any";
  unknown-cast-variable = "Any";
  unknown-diag-code = "Any";
  unknown-operator = "Any";
  unreachable-code = "Opened";
  unused-function = "Opened";
  unused-label = "Opened";
  unused-local = "Opened";
  unused-vararg = "Opened";

Declared by:


Maps diagnostic groups to severity levels.

  • "Error" - An error will be raised
  • "Warning" - A warning will be raised
  • "Information" - An information or note will be raised
  • "Hint" - The affected code will be “hinted” at
  • "Error!" - Like "Error" but overrides diagnostics.groupSeverity
  • "Warning!" -Like "Warning" but overrides diagnostics.groupSeverity
  • "Information!" - Like "Information" but overrides diagnostics.groupSeverity
  • "Hint!" - Like "Hint" but overrides diagnostics.groupSeverity

Type: null or (attribute set of (one of “Error”, “Warning”, “Information”, “Hint”, “Error!”, “Warning!”, “Information!”, “Hint!” or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  ambiguity-1 = "Warning";
  assign-type-mismatch = "Warning";
  await-in-sync = "Warning";
  cast-local-type = "Warning";
  cast-type-mismatch = "Warning";
  circle-doc-class = "Warning";
  close-non-object = "Warning";
  code-after-break = "Hint";
  codestyle-check = "Warning";
  count-down-loop = "Warning";
  deprecated = "Warning";
  different-requires = "Warning";
  discard-returns = "Warning";
  doc-field-no-class = "Warning";
  duplicate-doc-alias = "Warning";
  duplicate-doc-field = "Warning";
  duplicate-doc-param = "Warning";
  duplicate-index = "Warning";
  duplicate-set-field = "Warning";
  empty-block = "Hint";
  global-in-nil-env = "Warning";
  lowercase-global = "Information";
  missing-parameter = "Warning";
  missing-return = "Warning";
  missing-return-value = "Warning";
  need-check-nil = "Warning";
  newfield-call = "Warning";
  newline-call = "Warning";
  no-unknown = "Warning";
  not-yieldable = "Warning";
  param-type-mismatch = "Warning";
  redefined-local = "Hint";
  redundant-parameter = "Warning";
  redundant-return = "Hint";
  redundant-return-value = "Warning";
  redundant-value = "Warning";
  return-type-mismatch = "Warning";
  spell-check = "Information";
  trailing-space = "Hint";
  unbalanced-assignments = "Warning";
  undefined-doc-class = "Warning";
  undefined-doc-name = "Warning";
  undefined-doc-param = "Warning";
  undefined-env-child = "Information";
  undefined-field = "Warning";
  undefined-global = "Warning";
  unknown-cast-variable = "Warning";
  unknown-diag-code = "Warning";
  unknown-operator = "Warning";
  unreachable-code = "Hint";
  unused-function = "Hint";
  unused-label = "Hint";
  unused-local = "Hint";
  unused-vararg = "Hint";

Declared by:


Define variable names that will not be reported as an unused local by unused-local.

Type: null or (list of (string or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: [ ]

Declared by:


Define the delay between diagnoses of the workspace in milliseconds. Every time a file is edited, created, deleted, etc. the workspace will be re-diagnosed in the background after this delay. Setting to a negative number will disable workspace diagnostics.

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 3000

Declared by:


Set when the workspace diagnostics should be analyzed. It can be performed after each change, after a save, or never automatically triggered.

Valid events:

  • "OnChange"
  • "OnSave"
  • "None"

Type: null or one of “OnChange”, “OnSave”, “None” or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "OnSave"

Declared by:


Define the rate at which the workspace will be diagnosed as a percentage. 100 is 100% speed so the workspace will be diagnosed as fast as possible. The rate can be lowered to reduce CPU usage, but the diagnosis speed will also become slower. The currently opened file will always be diagnosed at 100% speed, regardless of this setting.

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 100

Declared by: