
Options provided to the require('ufo').setup function.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  fold_virt_text_handler = ''
    function(virtText, lnum, endLnum, width, truncate)
      local newVirtText = {}
      local suffix = ('  %d '):format(endLnum - lnum)
      local sufWidth = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(suffix)
      local targetWidth = width - sufWidth
      local curWidth = 0
      for _, chunk in ipairs(virtText) do
        local chunkText = chunk[1]
        local chunkWidth = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(chunkText)
        if targetWidth > curWidth + chunkWidth then
          table.insert(newVirtText, chunk)
          chunkText = truncate(chunkText, targetWidth - curWidth)
          local hlGroup = chunk[2]
          table.insert(newVirtText, {chunkText, hlGroup})
          chunkWidth = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(chunkText)
          -- str width returned from truncate() may less than 2nd argument, need padding
          if curWidth + chunkWidth < targetWidth then
            suffix = suffix .. (' '):rep(targetWidth - curWidth - chunkWidth)
        curWidth = curWidth + chunkWidth
      table.insert(newVirtText, {suffix, 'MoreMsg'})
      return newVirtText
  provider_selector = ''
    function(bufnr, filetype, buftype)
      local ftMap = {
        vim = "indent",
        python = {"indent"},
        git = ""
     return ftMap[filetype]

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Enable a function with lnum as a parameter to capture the virtual text for the folded lines and export the function to get_fold_virt_text field of ctx table as 6th parameter in fold_virt_text_handler

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: false

Declared by:


After the buffer is displayed (opened for the first time), close the folds whose range with kind field is included in this option. For now, ‘lsp’ provider’s standardized kinds are ‘comment’, ‘imports’ and ‘region’, run UfoInspect for details if your provider has extended the kinds.

Type: null or (attribute set of (anything or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  default = { };

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A lua function to customize fold virtual text.

Type: null or lua function string

Default: null

Plugin default: null

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Time in millisecond between the range to be highlgihted and to be cleared while opening the folded line, 0 value will disable the highlight.

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 400

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A lua function as a selector for fold providers.

Type: null or lua function string

Default: null

Plugin default: null

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