
go to the definition of the symbol under the cursor

Type: null or string

Default: "gnd"

Declared by:


go to the definition of the symbol under the cursor or use vim.lsp.buf.definition if the symbol can not be resolved. You can use your own fallback function if create a mapping for lua require'nvim-treesitter.refactor.navigation(nil, fallback_function)<cr>.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


go to next usage of identifier under the cursor

Type: null or string

Default: "<a-*>"

Declared by:


go to previous usage of identifier

Type: null or string

Default: "<a-#>"

Declared by:


list all definitions from the current file

Type: null or string

Default: "gnD"

Declared by:


list all definitions from the current file like a table of contents (similar to the one you see when pressing |gO| in help files).

Type: null or string

Default: "gO"

Declared by: