
The configuration options for vimux without the Vimux prefix.

For example, the following settings are equivialent to these :setglobal commands:

  • foo_bar = 1 -> :setglobal Vimuxfoo_bar=1
  • hello = "world" -> :setglobal Vimuxhello="world"
  • some_toggle = true -> :setglobal Vimuxsome_toggle
  • other_toggle = false -> :setglobal noVimuxother_toggle

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  Height = "25";
  Orientation = "h";
  UseNearest = 0;

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Set this option to 1 to tell vimux to close the runner when you quit vim.

Caution: It is probably best not to mix this with RunnerName.

Type: null or (one of 0, 1) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 0

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  • Set this option to 1 to enable shell completion in PromptCommand.
  • Set this option to 0 to enable vim command editing in PromptCommand.

Enabling shell completion blocks the ability to use up-arrow to cycle through previously-run commands in PromptCommand.

Type: null or (one of 0, 1) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 1

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If you’re having trouble with vimux, set this option to get vimux to pass each tmux command to |echomsg| before running it.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: false

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Should the command given at the prompt via PromptCommand be expanded using expand().

Set to 1 to expand the string.

Unfortunately expand() only expands % (etc.) if the string starts with that character. So the command is split at spaces and then rejoined after expansion. With this simple approach things like "%:h/test.xml" are not possible.

Type: null or (one of 0, 1) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 0

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The part of the screen the split pane Vimux will spawn should take up. This option accepts both a number of lines/columns or a percentage.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "20%"

Example: "40"

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Allows additional arguments to be passed to the tmux command that opens the runner.

Make sure that the arguments specified are valid depending on whether you’re using panes or windows, and your version of tmux.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: ""

Example: "-c #{pane_current_path}"

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The default orientation of the split tmux pane.

This tells tmux to make the pane either vertically or horizontally, which is backward from how Vim handles creating splits.

Type: null or one of “v”, “h” or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "v"

Declared by:


The string presented in the vim command line when Vimux is invoked.

Be sure to put a space at the end of the string to allow for distinction between the prompt and your input.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "Command? "

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The keys sent to the runner pane before running a command.

When vimux runs a tmux command, it first makes sure that the runner is not in copy mode by running copy-mode -q on the runner. This sequence is then sent to make sure that the runner is ready to receive input.

The default sends C-u to clear the line.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "C-u"

Example: ""

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Setting the name for the runner.

Works for panes and windows. This makes the VimuxRunner reusable between sessions. Caveat is, all your instances (in the same session/window) use the same window.

Caution: It is probably best not to mix this with CloseOnExit.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: ""

Example: "vimuxout"

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Set this option to define a query to use for looking up an existing runner pane or window when initiating Vimux.

Uses the tmux syntax for the target-pane and target-window command arguments. (See the man page for tmux).

It must be an attrs containing up to two keys, pane and window, defining the query to use for the respective runner types.

If no key exists for the current runner type, the search for an existing runner falls back to the UseNearest option (and the related RunnerName).

If that option is false or either command fails, a new runner is created instead, positioned according to Orientation.

Type: null or (attribute set of (string or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: { }


  pane = "{down-of}";
  window = "vimux";

Declared by:


The type of view object Vimux should use for the runner.

For reference, a tmux session is a group of windows, and a window is a layout of panes.

Type: null or one of “pane”, “window” or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "pane"

Declared by:


The command that Vimux runs when it calls out to tmux.

It may be useful to redefine this if you’re using something like tmate.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "tmux"

Example: "tmate"

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Use existing pane or window (not used by vim) if found instead of running split-window.

Type: null or (one of 0, 1) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: 1

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