
Options provided to the require('yanky').setup function.

NOTE: The following local variables are available in the scope:

local utils = require('yanky.utils')
local mapping = require('yanky.telescope.mapping') -- Only if `plugins.telescope` is enabled

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  highlight = {
    on_put = true;
    on_yank = true;
    timer = 500;
  picker = {
    telescope = {
      mappings = {
        default = "mapping.put('p')";
        i = {
          "<c-g>" = "mapping.put('p')";
          "<c-k>" = "mapping.put('P')";
          "<c-r>" = "mapping.set_register(utils.get_default_register())";
          "<c-x>" = "mapping.delete()";
        n = {
          P = "mapping.put('P')";
          d = "mapping.delete()";
          gP = "mapping.put('gP')";
          gp = "mapping.put('gp')";
          p = "mapping.put('p')";
          r = "mapping.set_register(utils.get_default_register())";
  preserve_cursor_position = {
    enabled = true;

Declared by: