
Accessing Nixvim's functions

If Nixvim is built using the standalone method, you can access our "helpers" as part of the lib module arg:

{ lib, ... }:
  # You can use lib.nixvim in your config
  fooOption = lib.nixvim.mkRaw "print('hello')";

If Nixvim is being used as as a home-manager module, a nixos module, or as a dawwin module, our "helpers" can be accessed via the config.lib option:

{ config, ... }:
  helpers = config.lib.nixvim;
  # Your config

Or you can access the extended lib used in standalone builds via the nixvimLib module arg:

{ nixvimLib, ... }:
  # You can use nixvimLib.nixvim in your config
  fooOption = nixvimLib.nixvim.mkRaw "print('hello')";

This "extended" lib, includes everything normally in lib, along with some additions from nixvim.

Note: the lib argument passed to modules is entirely unrelated to the lib option accessed as config.lib!

Using a custom lib with Nixvim

When Nixvim is built in standalone mode, it expects lib to have Nixvim's extensions. If you'd like to use a lib with your own extensions, you must supply it via specialArgs, however you must ensure Nixvim's extensions are also present.

This can be achieved using the lib overlay, available via the <nixvim>.lib.overlay flake output.

# Example flake
  inputs = {
    # ...

  outputs =
    { nixpkgs, ... }@inputs:
      myCustomLib = nixpkgs.lib.extend (final: prev: {
        # ...
      myCustomLibForNixvim = myCustomLib.extend inputs.nixvim.lib.overlay;
      # ...

Common helper functions

A certain number of helpers are defined that can be useful:

  • helpers.emptyTable: An empty lua table {} that will be included in the final lua configuration. This is equivalent to {__empty = {};}. This form can allow to do option.__empty = {}.

  • helpers.mkRaw str: Write the string str as raw lua in the final lua configuration. This is equivalent to {__raw = "lua code";}. This form can allow to do option.__raw = "lua code".

  • helpers.toLuaObject obj: Create a string representation of the Nix object. Useful to define your own plugins.

  • helpers.listToUnkeyedAttrs list: Transforms a list to an "unkeyed" attribute set.

    This allows to define mixed table/list in lua:

      (listToUnkeyedAttrs ["a", "b"]) // {foo = "bar";}

    Resulting in the following lua:

      {"a", "b", [foo] = "bar"}
  • helpers.enableExceptInTests: Evaluates to true, except in mkTestDerivationFromNixvimModule where it evaluates to false. This allows to skip instantiating plugins that can't be run in tests.

  • helpers.toRawKeys attrs: Convert the keys of the given attrs to raw lua.

      toRawKeys {foo = 1; bar = "hi";}

    will translate in lua to:

      {[foo] = 1, [bar] = 2,}

    Otherwise, the keys of a regular attrs will be interpreted as lua string:

      {['foo'] = 1, ['bar'] = 2,}
      -- which is the same as
      {foo = 1, bar = 2,}