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Known Restrictions

crate2nix makes heavy use of buildRustCrate in nixpkgs. So we potentially depend on features in a recent version of nixpkgs. Check nix/sources.json for the version of nixpkgs that crate2nix is tested against.

If you feel limited by these restrictions, please do not hesitate to file an issue! That gives me a feeling of what is worth working on.

  • There is only experimental support for running tests Before 0.7.x: No support for building and running tests, see nixpkgs, issue 59177.
  • Target-specific features do not work automatically, see #129. You should be able to enable the required features manually, however.
  • A crate will only have access to its own source directory during build time and not e.g. to other directories in the same workspace. See crate2nix, issue 17. I used to consider this “works as intended” but now I think that we should use the “workspaceMember” argument of buildRustCrate for this.
  • It does translates target strings to nix expressions. The support should be reasonable but probably not complete - please let me know if you hit problems. Before 0.2.x: Filters all dependencies for the hard-coded “Linux x86_64” target platform. Again, it should be quite easy to support more platforms. To do so completely and at build time (vs build generation time) might be more involved.

Former restrictions, now supported:

  • Before 0.8.x: Since cargo exposes local paths in package IDs, the generated build file also contain them as part of an “opaque” ID. They are not interpreted as paths but maybe you do not want to expose local paths in there… The full opaque package ID will only be used if you have the same package with the same version multiple times. That should be very rare.
  • Before 0.6.x: Renamed crates with an explicit package name don’t work yet.
  • Git sources are now also supported. Starting with 0.7 sub modules also work. Finding crates in arbitrary sub directories of git sources (which cargo supports!)is not supported, see #53.
  • Before 0.4.x: Only default crate features are supported. It should be easy to support a different feature set at build generation time since we can simply pass this set to cargo metadata. Feature selection during build time is out of scope for now.