
Source: src/load.nix

Type: { src, loader?, inputs?, transformer? } -> { ... }


  • src : Path

    The directory to load files from.

  • (optional) loader : ({ self, super, root, ... } -> Path -> a) | [ Matcher ]

    Loader for the files, defaults to loaders.default. It can be either a function that loads of Nix file, or a list of matchers that allows you to load any type of file.

  • (optional) inputs : { ... }

    Extra inputs to be passed to the loader.

    self, super, and root are reserved names that cannot be passed as an input. To work around that, remove them using removeAttrs, or pass them by overriding the loader.

  • (optional) transformer : (cursor : [ String ]) -> { ... } -> a or a list of transformers

    Module transformer, defaults to [ ] (no transformation). This will transform each directory module in src, including the root. cursor represents the position of the directory being transformed, where [ ] means root and [ "foo" "bar" ] means root.foo.bar.

Files found in src are loaded into an attribute set with the specified loader. As an example, the entirety of haumea's API is loaded from the src directory.

For a directory like this:

├─ foo/
│  ├─ bar.nix
│  ├─ baz.nix
│  └─ __internal.nix
├─ bar.nix
└─ _utils/
   └─ foo.nix

The output will look like this:

  foo = {
    bar = <...>;
    baz = <...>;
  bar = <...>;

Notice that there is no utils. This is because files and directories that start with _ are only visible inside the directory being loaded, and will not be present in the final output.

Similarly, files and directories that start with __ are only visible if they are in the same directory, meaning foo/__internal.nix is only accessible if it is being accessed from within foo.

By default, the specified inputs, in addition to self, super, and root, will be passed to the file being loaded, if the file is a function.

  • self represents the current file.
  • super represents the directory the file is in.
  • root represents the root of the src directory being loaded.

Continuing the example above, this is the content of foo/bar.nix (super and root are unused, they are just here for demonstration purposes):

{ self, super, root }:

  a = 42;
  b = self.a * 2;

self.a will be 42, which will make b 84. Accessing self.b here would cause infinite recursion, and accessing anything else would fail due to missing attributes.

super will be { bar = self; baz = <...>; internal = <...>; }.

And root will be:

  # foo = super;
  foo = {
    bar = <...>;
    baz = <...>;
    internal = <...>;
  baz = <...>;
  utils.foo = <...>;

Note that this is different from the return value of load. foo.internal is accessible here because it is being accessed from within foo. Same for utils, which is accessible from all files within src, the directory being loaded.