
This extension generates the .pre-commit-config.yaml file used to configure pre-commit.


The extension accepts a simplified configuration format that significantly reduces the verbosity. When managing pre-commit with Nix, creating a single "local" repo entry and adding system hooks that call out to binaries in the Nix store is often desirable. The benefit of this approach is that Nix manages the versioning of the binaries, and you have greater control over how the hook operates.

The accepted format is as follows:

    nixpkgs-fmt = {
        entry = "${pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt}/bin/nixpkgs-fmt";
        language = "system";
        files = "\\.nix";

The format is a set consisting of hook names as the keys and their configuration properties as values. The id and name fields of the hook configuration are set to the hook name (i.e., nixpkgs-fmt). The entry should point to the binary called by pre-commit. Setting language to "system" ensures that the entry is called with the default shell. Finally, setting files ensures that pre-commit only passes Nix files to this hook. The above configuration would produce the following pre-commit-config.yaml file:

  - hooks:
      - entry: /nix/store/pmfl7q4fqqibkfz71lsrkcdi04m0mclf-nixpkgs-fmt-1.2.0/bin/nixpkgs-fmt
        files: \.nix
        id: nixpkgs-fmt
        language: system
        name: nixpkgs-fmt
    repo: local