Quick Start

Add Nixago as an input to your flake.nix:

  inputs = {
    # ...
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    nixago.url = "github:nix-community/nixago";
    nixago.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    # ...

Generate a Configuration

Nixago offers various engines which can be used for transforming input data into an output file. Nixago will default to the nix engine that utilizes pkgs.formats from nixpkgs.

  data = {
    "field1" = "value1";
    "field2" = true;
nixago.lib.make {
  inherit data;
  output = "config.json";
  format = "json";
  engine = nixago.engines.nix { }; # Optional as this is the default value

The result of this invocation will be an attribute set with two attributes:

  • configFile: A derivation for building the configuration file.
  • shellHook: A shell hook for managing the file.

Building the derivation produces a file with the following output:

  "field1": "value1",
  "field2": true

The make function takes an attribute set that supports the options defined in the request module. Please refer to the module definition for all of the available options.

Using the Shell Hook

The generated shell hook will link the generated configuration file to one of two places:

  • If $PRJ_ROOT is defined, the file will be linked to $PRJ_ROOT/{output} where output is the relative path defined in the call to make.
  • If $PRJ_ROOT is not defined, the file will be linked to ./{output}, where the relative path is determined by where the Nix CLI was invoked.

For example, if $PRJ_ROOT is set to /home/user/code/myprj and the output is specified as configs/config.json then the file will be linked to /home/user/code/myprj/configs/config.json.

The shell hook is designed to be integrated into a development shell:

  # ...
  devShells = {
    default = pkgs.mkShell {
      shellHook = (nixago.lib.make config).shellHook;
 # ...

This will ensure the file is generated and linked when you enter the shell. The behavior of the hook can be modified via the available options.

Extending Nixago

An additional repository is available that provides extensions for Nixago. These simplify the process of generating configuration files for common development tools.