
Options provided to the require('nightfox').setup function.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  groups = {
    all = {
      NormalNC = {
        bg = "inactive";
        fg = "fg1";
  options = {
    colorblind = {
      enable = true;
      severity = {
        deutan = 0.6;
        protan = 0.3;
    inverse = {
      match_paren = false;
      search = true;
      visual = false;
    modules = {
      coc = {
        background = false;
      diagnostic = {
        background = false;
        enable = true;
    styles = {
      comments = "italic";
      functions = "italic,bold";
    terminal_colors = true;
    transparent = true;
  palettes = {
    duskfox = {
      bg0 = "#1d1d2b";
      bg1 = "#000000";
      bg3 = "#121820";
      sel0 = "#131b24";
  specs = {
    all = {
      inactive = "bg0";
    duskfox = {
      inactive = "#090909";

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Groups are the highlight group definitions. The keys of this table are the name of the highlight groups that will be overridden. The value is a table with the following values:

  • fg, bg, style, sp, link,

Just like spec groups support templates. This time the template is based on a spec object.


    all = { = "Comment"; = "palette.cyan";
    nightfox.PmenuSel = {
      bg = "#73daca";
      fg = "bg0";

Type: null or (attribute set of attribute set of attribute set of string)

Default: null

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A palette is the base color definitions of a style. Each style defines its own palette to be used by the other components. A palette defines base colors, as well as foreground and background shades. Along with the foreground and background colors a palette also defines other colors such as selection and comment colors.

The base colors are |nightfox-shade| objects that define a base, bright, and dim color. These base colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, orange, pink.


    all = {
      red = "#ff0000";
    nightfox = {
      red = "#c94f6d";
    dayfox = {
      blue = {
        base = "#4d688e";
        bright = "#4e75aa";
        dim = "#485e7d";
    nordfox = {
      bg1 = "#2e3440";
      sel0 = "#3e4a5b";
      sel1 = "#4f6074";
      comment = "#60728a";

Type: null or (attribute set of attribute set of (string or attribute set of string))

Default: null

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Spec’s (specifications) are a mapping of palettes to logical groups that will be used by the groups. Some examples of the groups that specs map would be:

  • syntax groups (functions, types, keywords, …)
  • diagnostic groups (error, warning, info, hints)
  • git groups (add, removed, changed)

You can override these just like palettes.


    all = {
      syntax = {
        keyword = "magenta";
        conditional = "magenta.bright";
        number = "orange.dim";
      git = {
        changed = "#f4a261";
    nightfox = {
      syntax = {
        operator = "orange";

Type: null or (attribute set of attribute set of (string or attribute set of string))

Default: null

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