
The string appended to the compiled file. Each style outputs to its own file. These files will append the suffix to the end of the file.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: "_compiled"

Declared by:


The output directory path where the compiled results will be written to.

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  __raw = "vim.fn.stdpath('cache') .. '/nightfox'";

Declared by:


A boolean value that if set will set the background of Non current windows to be darker. See :h hl-NormalNC.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: false

Declared by:


A table that contains a list of highlight types. If a highlight type is enabled it will inverse the foreground and background colors instead of applying the normal highlight group. Thees highlight types are: match_paren, visual, search.

For an example if search is enabled instead of highlighting a search term with the default search color it will inverse the foureground and background colors.

Type: null or (attribute set of (boolean or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  match_paren = false;
  search = false;
  visual = false;

Declared by:


The default value of a module that has not been overridden in the modules table.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: true

Declared by:


modules store configuration information for various plugins and other neovim modules. A module can either be a boolean or a table that contains additional configuration for that module. If the value is a table it also has a field called enable that will tell nightfox to load it. See |nightfox-modules| for more information.

By default modules will be enabled. To change this behaviour change options.module_default to false.

Type: null or (attribute set of (anything or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  coc = {
    background = true;
  diagnostic = {
    background = true;
    enable = true;
  leap = {
    background = true;
  lsp_semantic_tokens = true;
  native_lsp = {
    background = true;
    enable = true;
  treesitter = true;

Declared by:


A table that contains a list of syntax components and their corresponding style. These styles can be any combination of |highlight-args|.

The list of syntax components are:

  • comments
  • conditionals
  • constants
  • functions
  • keywords
  • numbers
  • operators
  • preprocs
  • strings
  • types
  • variables

Type: null or (attribute set of (string or raw lua code)) or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default:

  comments = "NONE";
  conditionals = "NONE";
  constants = "NONE";
  functions = "NONE";
  keywords = "NONE";
  numbers = "NONE";
  operators = "NONE";
  preprocs = "NONE";
  strings = "NONE";
  types = "NONE";
  variables = "NONE";


  comments = "italic";
  functions = "italic,bold";

Declared by:


A boolean value that if set will define the terminal colors for the builtin terminal (vim.g.terminal_color_*).

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: true

Declared by:


A boolean value that if set will disable setting the background of Normal, NormalNC and other highlight groups. This lets you use the colors of the colorscheme but use the background of your terminal.

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Plugin default: false

Declared by: