Trustix - Usage via Nix

In the previous chapter we set up the main Trustix daemon. It's now time to actually start using it to publish build results.


  • A NixOS installation using Flakes
  • The basic setup from the previous chapter


  • configuration.nix:
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
  # Our basic Trustix configuration from before
  services.trustix = {
    enable = true; = {
      type = "ed25519";
      ed25519.private-key-path = ./secrets/log-priv;

    publishers = [
        signer = "my-signer";
        protocol = "nix";
        meta.upstream = "";
        publicKey = {
          type = "ed25519";
          key = builtins.readFile ./secrets/log-pub;

  # Enable the post build hook to push builds to the main Trustix daemon
  services.trustix-nix-build-hook = {
    enable = true;
    # Log id as returned by `trustix print-log-id --protocol nix --pubkey $(cat secrets/log-pub)`
    # This is your logs globally unique identifier and what clients will use to subscribe to your build results.
    logID = "0c7942343fa91b610704d531f552f3e785705dbd7d22c965bc0d58fa3ff2c87c";


This sets up Nix with a post build hook that publishes any builds performed locally to your locally running log.