How does package name mapping from Python to Nixpkgs work?

Package names are normalized according to the PyPA normalization specification. Nixpkgs also uses the same normalization but has some legacy package names that do not follow normalization guidelines.

The other case where the automatic mapping goes wrong is when the Nixpkgs python.pkgs set does not contain a dependency. One such example is ruff, a Python linter written in Rust.

Nixpkgs has ruff on the top-level (pkgs), but not in python3.pkgs. In such cases you can use an overlay to add the package to the Python set:

  python = pkgs.python3.override {
    packageOverrides = self: super: {
      ruff = pkgs.ruff;
in ...

How do you treat dynamic attributes?

Pyproject.nix makes no attempt at parsing dynamic fields as it does not have the required knowledge to infer these.

When using the withPackages renderer most fields that may be dynamic are not even relevant and won't cause issues. At other times, like when using the buildPythonPackage renderer problems occur as there is no way for the renderer to create the version attribute.

  project = pyproject.project.loadPyproject { pyproject = lib.importTOML ./pyproject.toml; };
  python = pkgs.python3;
  attrs = pyproject.renderers.buildPythonPackage { inherit python project; };
in python.pkgs.buildPythonPackage attrs

Will result in an error from buildPythonpackage because version is missing:

error: attribute 'version' missing

at /nix/store/gna8i238i3nnz6cizcayyfyfdzn28la5-nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/mk-python-derivation.nix:31:28:

    31| { name ? "${attrs.pname}-${attrs.version}"
      |                            ^

In these cases you can manually add attributes to the attribute set returned by the renderer:

  project = pyproject.project.loadPyproject { pyproject = lib.importTOML ./pyproject.toml; };
  python = pkgs.python3;
  attrs = pyproject.renderers.buildPythonPackage { inherit python project; };
in python.pkgs.buildPythonPackage (attrs // {
  version = "1.0";  # Not dynamically inferred