

Type: validateVersionConstraints :: AttrSet -> AttrSet

Validates the Python package set held by Python (python.pkgs) against the parsed project.

Returns an attribute set where the name is the Python package derivation pname and the value is a list of the mismatching conditions.

structured function argument

: project

: Project metadata as returned by lib.project.loadPyproject


: Python derivation


: Python extras (optionals) to enable

::: {.example #function-library-example-lib.validators.validateVersionConstraints}

lib.validators.validateVersionConstraints usage example

# validateVersionConstraints (lib.project.loadPyproject { ... })
  resolvelib = {
    # conditions as returned by `lib.pep440.parseVersionCond`
    conditions = [ { op = ">="; version = { dev = null; epoch = 0; local = null; post = null; pre = null; release = [ 1 0 1 ]; }; } ];
    # Version from Python package set
    version = "0.5.5";
  unearth = {
    conditions = [ { op = ">="; version = { dev = null; epoch = 0; local = null; post = null; pre = null; release = [ 0 10 0 ]; }; } ];
    version = "0.9.1";
