
Set the icon for each diagnostic level.

The keys will be automatically translated to raw lua:

    "vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO".enabled = true;
    "vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN".enabled = true;

will result in the following lua:

    -- Note the table keys are not string literals:
    [vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO] = { ['enabled'] = true },
    [vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN] = { ['enabled'] = true },

Plugin default:

  "vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR" = {
    enabled = false;
    icon = " ";
  "vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT" = {
    enabled = false;
    icon = "󰌶 ";
  "vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO" = {
    enabled = false;
    icon = " ";
  "vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN" = {
    enabled = false;
    icon = " ";

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }

Declared by: