
Options provided to the require('gitsigns').setup function.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  current_line_blame = false;
  current_line_blame_opts = {
    virt_text = true;
    virt_text_pos = "eol";
  signcolumn = true;
  signs = {
    add = {
      text = "│";
    change = {
      text = "│";
    changedelete = {
      text = "~";
    delete = {
      text = "_";
    topdelete = {
      text = "‾";
    untracked = {
      text = "┆";
  watch_gitdir = {
    follow_files = true;

Declared by:


Attach to untracked files.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Automatically attach to files.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


The object/revision to diff against. See |gitsigns-revision|.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


The count characters used when signs.*.show_count is enabled. The + entry is used as a fallback. With the default, any count outside of 1-9 uses the > character in the sign.

Possible use cases for this field:

  • to specify unicode characters for the counts instead of 1-9.
  • to define characters to be used for counts greater than 9.

Plugin default:

  "__unkeyed_1" = "1";
  "__unkeyed_2" = "2";
  "__unkeyed_3" = "3";
  "__unkeyed_4" = "4";
  "__unkeyed_5" = "5";
  "__unkeyed_6" = "6";
  "__unkeyed_7" = "7";
  "__unkeyed_8" = "8";
  "__unkeyed_9" = "9";
  "+" = ">";

Type: null or (attribute set of (string or raw lua code))

Default: null

Declared by:


Adds an unobtrusive and customisable blame annotation at the end of the current line. The highlight group used for the text is GitSignsCurrentLineBlame.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


String or function used to format the virtual text of current_line_blame.

When a string, accepts the following format specifiers:

  • <abbrev_sha>
  • <orig_lnum>
  • <final_lnum>
  • <author>
  • <author_mail>
  • <author_time> or <author_time:FORMAT>
  • <author_tz>
  • <committer>
  • <committer_mail>
  • <committer_time> or <committer_time:FORMAT>
  • <committer_tz>
  • <summary>
  • <previous>
  • <filename>

For <author_time:FORMAT> and <committer_time:FORMAT>, FORMAT can be any valid date format that is accepted by with the addition of %R (defaults to %Y-%m-%d):

  • %a abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Wed)
  • %A full weekday name (e.g., Wednesday)
  • %b abbreviated month name (e.g., Sep)
  • %B full month name (e.g., September)
  • %c date and time (e.g., 09/16/98 23:48:10)
  • %d day of the month (16) [01-31]
  • %H hour, using a 24-hour clock (23) [00-23]
  • %I hour, using a 12-hour clock (11) [01-12]
  • %M minute (48) [00-59]
  • %m month (09) [01-12]
  • %p either “am” or “pm” (pm)
  • %S second (10) [00-61]
  • %w weekday (3) [0-6 = Sunday-Saturday]
  • %x date (e.g., 09/16/98)
  • %X time (e.g., 23:48:10)
  • %Y full year (1998)
  • %y two-digit year (98) [00-99]
  • %% the character `%´
  • %R relative (e.g., 4 months ago)

When a function:


  • {name} Git user name returned from git config

  • {blame_info} Table with the following keys:

    • abbrev_sha: string
    • orig_lnum: integer
    • final_lnum: integer
    • author: string
    • author_mail: string
    • author_time: integer
    • author_tz: string
    • committer: string
    • committer_mail: string
    • committer_time: integer
    • committer_tz: string
    • summary: string
    • previous: string
    • filename: string
    • boundary: true?

Note that the keys map onto the output of: git blame --line-porcelain

  • {opts} Passed directly from settings.current_line_blame_formatter_opts.

Return: The result of this function is passed directly to the opts.virt_text field of |nvim_buf_set_extmark| and thus must be a list of [text, highlight] tuples.

Plugin default: " <author>, <author_time> - <summary> "

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


String or function used to format the virtual text of |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame| for lines that aren’t committed.

See |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame_formatter| for more information.

Plugin default: " <author>"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Enables debug logging and makes the following functions available: dump_cache, debug_messages, clear_debug.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Enable/disable line highlights.

When enabled the highlights defined in signs.*.linehl are used. If the highlight group does not exist, then it is automatically defined and linked to the corresponding highlight group in signs.*.hl.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Max file length (in lines) to attach to.

Plugin default: 40000

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Enable/disable line number highlights.

When enabled the highlights defined in signs.*.numhl are used. If the highlight group does not exist, then it is automatically defined and linked to the corresponding highlight group in signs.*.hl.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Callback called when attaching to a buffer. Mainly used to setup keymaps when config.keymaps is empty. The buffer number is passed as the first argument.

This callback can return false to prevent attaching to the buffer.


    if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr):match(<PATTERN>) then
      -- Don't attach to specific buffers whose name matches a pattern
      return false
    -- Setup keymaps
    vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'hs', '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".stage_hunk()<CR>', {})
    ... -- More keymaps

Type: null or lua code string

Default: null

Declared by:


Option overrides for the Gitsigns preview window. Table is passed directly to nvim_open_win.

Plugin default:

  border = "single";
  style = "minimal";
  relative = "cursor";
  row = 0;
  col = 1;

Type: null or (attribute set of (anything or raw lua code))

Default: null

Declared by:


Show the old version of hunks inline in the buffer (via virtual lines).

Note: Virtual lines currently use the highlight GitSignsDeleteVirtLn.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Priority to use for signs.

Plugin default: 6

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Enable/disable symbols in the sign column.

When enabled the highlights defined in signs.*.hl and symbols defined in signs.*.text are used.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Function used to format b:gitsigns_status.

Plugin default:

  local added, changed, removed = status.added, status.changed, status.removed
  local status_txt = {}
  if added and added > 0 then
    table.insert(status_txt, '+' .. added)
  if changed and changed > 0 then
    table.insert(status_txt, '~' .. changed)
  if removed and removed > 0 then
    table.insert(status_txt, '-' .. removed)
  return table.concat(status_txt, ' ')

Type: null or lua function string

Default: null

Declared by:


When using setqflist() or setloclist(), open Trouble instead of the quickfix/location list window.

Default: pcall(require, 'trouble')

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Declared by:


Debounce time for updates (in milliseconds).

Plugin default: 100

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Highlight intra-line word differences in the buffer. Requires config.diff_opts.internal = true.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by: