
Whether to enable mkdnflow.nvim.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Declared by:


Which package to use for the mkdnflow.nvim plugin.

Type: package

Default: <derivation vimplugin-mkdnflow.nvim-2024-04-25>

Declared by:


  • true: Directories referenced in a link will be (recursively) created if they do not exist.
  • false: No action will be taken when directories referenced in a link do not exist. Neovim will open a new file, but you will get an error when you attempt to write the file.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


These attributes will be added to the table parameter for the setup function. Typically, it can override NixVim’s default settings.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }

Declared by:


A matching extension will enable the plugin’s functionality for a file with that extension.

NOTE: This functionality references the file’s extension. It does not rely on Neovim’s filetype recognition. The extension must be provided in lower case because the plugin converts file names to lowercase. Any arbitrary extension can be supplied. Setting an extension to false is the same as not including it in the list.

Plugin default: {md = true; rmd = true; markdown = true;}

Type: null or (attribute set of boolean)

Default: null

Declared by:


An attrs declaring the key mappings. The keys should be the name of a commands defined in mkdnflow.nvim/plugin/mkdnflow.lua (see :h Mkdnflow-commands for a list). Set to false to disable a mapping.

Plugin default:

  MkdnEnter = {
    modes = ["n" "v" "i"];
    key = "<CR>";
  MkdnTab = false;
  MkdnSTab = false;
  MkdnNextLink = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<Tab>";
  MkdnPrevLink = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<S-Tab>";
  MkdnNextHeading = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "]]";
  MkdnPrevHeading = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "[[";
  MkdnGoBack = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<BS>";
  MkdnGoForward = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<Del>";
  MkdnFollowLink = false; # see MkdnEnter
  MkdnCreateLink = false; # see MkdnEnter
  MkdnCreateLinkFromClipboard = {
    modes = ["n" "v"];
    key = "<leader>p";
  }; # see MkdnEnter
  MkdnDestroyLink = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<M-CR>";
  MkdnMoveSource = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<F2>";
  MkdnYankAnchorLink = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "ya";
  MkdnYankFileAnchorLink = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "yfa";
  MkdnIncreaseHeading = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "+";
  MkdnDecreaseHeading = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "-";
  MkdnToggleToDo = {
    modes = ["n" "v"];
    key = "<C-Space>";
  MkdnNewListItem = false;
  MkdnNewListItemBelowInsert = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "o";
  MkdnNewListItemAboveInsert = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "O";
  MkdnExtendList = false;
  MkdnUpdateNumbering = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<leader>nn";
  MkdnTableNextCell = {
    modes = "i";
    key = "<Tab>";
  MkdnTablePrevCell = {
    modes = "i";
    key = "<S-Tab>";
  MkdnTableNextRow = false;
  MkdnTablePrevRow = {
    modes = "i";
    key = "<M-CR>";
  MkdnTableNewRowBelow = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<leader>ir";
  MkdnTableNewRowAbove = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<leader>iR";
  MkdnTableNewColAfter = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<leader>ic";
  MkdnTableNewColBefore = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<leader>iC";
  MkdnFoldSection = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<leader>f";
  MkdnUnfoldSection = {
    modes = "n";
    key = "<leader>F";

Type: null or (attribute set of (value false (singular enum) or (submodule)))

Default: null

Declared by:


  • true: The plugin will not display any messages in the console except compatibility warnings related to your config.
  • false: The plugin will display messages to the console (all messages from the plugin start with ⬇️ ).

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


  • true: When jumping to next/previous links or headings, the cursor will continue searching at the beginning/end of the file.
  • false: When jumping to next/previous links or headings, the cursor will stop searching at the end/beginning of the file.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by: