
A dictionary of key codes to text replacements, any provided value will be merged with the existing dictionary, see key_map.lua for details.

Plugin default: {}

Type: null or (attribute set of (string or raw lua code))

Default: null

Declared by:


Control the position of the preview, set to none to disable (inside is only valid for variant=qmk).

Plugin default: "top"

Type: null or one of “top”, “bottom”, “inside”, “none” or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


A dictionary of symbols used for the preview comment border chars see default.lua for details.

Plugin default:

  space = " ";
  horz = "─";
  vert = "│";
  tl = "┌";
  tm = "┬";
  tr = "┐";
  ml = "├";
  mm = "┼";
  mr = "┤";
  bl = "└";
  bm = "┴";
  br = "┘";

Type: null or (attribute set of (string or raw lua code))

Default: null

Declared by: