
Custom completion snippets.


  "Arc::new" = {
    body = "Arc::new(\${receiver})";
    description = "Put the expression into an `Arc`";
    postfix = "arc";
    requires = "std::sync::Arc";
    scope = "expr";
  "Box::pin" = {
    body = "Box::pin(\${receiver})";
    description = "Put the expression into a pinned `Box`";
    postfix = "pinbox";
    requires = "std::boxed::Box";
    scope = "expr";
  Err = {
    body = "Err(\${receiver})";
    description = "Wrap the expression in a `Result::Err`";
    postfix = "err";
    scope = "expr";
  Ok = {
    body = "Ok(\${receiver})";
    description = "Wrap the expression in a `Result::Ok`";
    postfix = "ok";
    scope = "expr";
  "Rc::new" = {
    body = "Rc::new(\${receiver})";
    description = "Put the expression into an `Rc`";
    postfix = "rc";
    requires = "std::rc::Rc";
    scope = "expr";
  Some = {
    body = "Some(\${receiver})";
    description = "Wrap the expression in an `Option::Some`";
    postfix = "some";
    scope = "expr";

Type: null or (attribute set of anything)

Default: null

Declared by: