
Url: https://github.com/mbbill/undotree/

Maintainers: Gaetan Lepage


Whether to enable undotree.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

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Which package to use for the undotree plugin.

Type: package

Default: <derivation vimplugin-undotree-2024-04-16>

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The configuration options for undotree without the undotree_ prefix.

For example, the following settings are equivialent to these :setglobal commands:

  • foo_bar = 1 -> :setglobal undotree_foo_bar=1
  • hello = "world" -> :setglobal undotree_hello="world"
  • some_toggle = true -> :setglobal undotree_some_toggle
  • other_toggle = false -> :setglobal noundotree_other_toggle

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  CursorLine = true;
  DiffAutoOpen = true;
  DiffCommand = "diff";
  DiffpanelHeight = 10;
  HelpLine = true;
  HighlightChangedText = true;
  HighlightChangedWithSign = true;
  HighlightSyntaxAdd = "DiffAdd";
  HighlightSyntaxChange = "DiffChange";
  HighlightSyntaxDel = "DiffDelete";
  RelativeTimestamp = true;
  SetFocusWhenToggle = true;
  ShortIndicators = false;
  SplitWidth = 40;
  TreeNodeShape = "*";
  TreeReturnShape = "\\";
  TreeSplitShape = "/";
  TreeVertShape = "|";
  WindowLayout = 4;

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