
Mapping to clear all bookmarks.

Plugin default: "C"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to go to delete mode, where you can remove bookmarks.

Plugin default: "d"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to edit bookmarks.

Plugin default: "e"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to go to next bookmark.

Plugin default: "]"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to open bookmarks in horizontal split.

Plugin default: "-"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to open bookmarks in vertical split.

Plugin default: "v"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to go to previous bookmark.

Plugin default: "["

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to quit arrow.

Plugin default: "q"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to remove bookmarks. Only used if separate_save_and_remove is true.

Plugin default: "x"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Mapping to save if separate_save_and_remove is true.

Plugin default: "s"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by: