
Whether to enable better-escape.nvim.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

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Which package to use for the better-escape.nvim plugin.

Type: package

Default: <derivation vimplugin-better-escape.nvim-2024-01-21>

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Clear line after escaping if there is only whitespace.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

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These attributes will be added to the table parameter for the setup function. Typically, it can override NixVim’s default settings.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }

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Keys used for escaping, if it is a function will use the result everytime.

Example (recommended):

keys.__raw = '' function() return vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2] > 1 and ‘<esc>l’ or ‘<esc>’ end '';

Plugin default: <ESC>

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

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List of mappings to use to enter escape mode.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: null

Declared by:


The time in which the keys must be hit in ms. Uses the value of vim.o.timeoutlen (options.timeoutlen in nixvim) by default.

Plugin default: vim.o.timeoutlen

Type: null or lua code string or (unsigned integer, meaning >=0)

Default: null

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