
Options provided to the require('lsp-status').setup function.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  callback = {
    __raw = ''
  foo_bar = 42;
  hostname = "localhost:8080";

Declared by:


A string which goes between each “chunk” of the statusline component (i.e. different diagnostic groups, messages).

Plugin default: " "

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


True if the current function should be updated and displayed in the default statusline component.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


If false, the default statusline component does not display LSP diagnostics.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


The string to show as diagnostics. If you don’t have Nerd/Awesome Fonts you can replace defaults with ASCII chars.

Plugin default: ""

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


The string to show as diagnostics. If you don’t have Nerd/Awesome Fonts you can replace defaults with ASCII chars.

Plugin default: "❗"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


The string to show as diagnostics. If you don’t have Nerd/Awesome Fonts you can replace defaults with ASCII chars.

Plugin default: "🛈"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


The string to show as diagnostics. If you don’t have Nerd/Awesome Fonts you can replace defaults with ASCII chars.

Plugin default: ""

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


A string which goes between each diagnostic group symbol and its count.

Plugin default: " "

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


The string to show as diagnostics. If you don’t have Nerd/Awesome Fonts you can replace defaults with ASCII chars.

Plugin default: ""

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


An optional map from LSP symbol kinds to label symbols. Used to decorate the current function name.

Plugin default: {}

Type: null or (attribute set of (string or raw lua code))

Default: null

Declared by:


An optional handler of the form function(cursor_pos, document_symbol) that should return true if document_symbol (a DocumentSymbol) should be accepted as the symbol currently containing the cursor.

Plugin default: ""

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


True if the current function should be updated and displayed in the default statusline component.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by: