
Options provided to the require('qmk').setup function.

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


  auto_format_pattern = "*keymap.c";
  comment_preview = {
    keymap_overrides = { };
    position = "top";
    symbols = {
      bl = "└";
      bm = "┴";
      br = "┘";
      horz = "─";
      ml = "├";
      mm = "┼";
      mr = "┤";
      space = " ";
      tl = "┌";
      tm = "┬";
      tr = "┐";
      vert = "│";
  layout = [
    "x x"
  name = "LAYOUT_preonic_grid";
  timeout = 5000;
  variant = "qmk";

Declared by:


The autocommand file pattern to use when applying QMKFormat on save.

Plugin default: "*keymap.c"

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

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The keyboard key layout.

The layout config describes your layout as expected by qmk_firmware. As qmk_firmware is simply expecting an array of key codes, the layout is pretty much up to you.

A layout is a list of strings, where each string in the list represents a single row. Rows must all be the same width, and you’ll see they visually align to what your keymap looks like.

Type: list of string


  "x x"

Declared by:

The name of your layout, for example LAYOUT_preonic_grid for the preonic keyboard, for zmk this can just be anything, it won’t be used.

Type: string

Example: "LAYOUT_preonic_grid"

Declared by:


Duration of vim.notify timeout if using nvim-notify.

Plugin default: 5000

Type: null or unsigned integer, meaning >=0, or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


Chooses the expected hardware target.

Plugin default: "qmk"

Type: null or one of “qmk”, “zmk” or raw lua code

Default: null

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