
Whether to enable floaterm.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

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Which package to use for the floaterm plugin.

Type: package

Default: <derivation vimplugin-vim-floaterm-2024-04-08>

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Whether to close floaterm window once the job gets finished.

  • 0: Always do NOT close floaterm window
  • 1: Close window if the job exits normally, otherwise stay it with messages like [Process exited 101]
  • 2: Always close floaterm window

Default: 1

Type: null or one of 0, 1, 2

Default: null

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Whether to hide previous floaterms before switching to or opening a another one.

  • 0: Always do NOT hide previous floaterm windows
  • 1: Only hide those whose position (b:floaterm_position) is identical to that of the floaterm which will be opened
  • 2: Always hide them

Default: 1

Type: null or one of 0, 1, 2

Default: null

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Whether to enter Terminal-mode after opening a floaterm.

Default: true

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

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The position of the floating window.

8 characters of the floating window border (top, right, bottom, left, topleft, topright, botright, botleft).

Default: “─│─│┌┐┘└”

Type: null or string

Default: null

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Whether to override $GIT_EDITOR in floaterm terminals so git commands can open open an editor in the same neovim instance.

Default: true

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

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Int (number of columns) or float (between 0 and 1). if float, the height is relative to &lines.

Default: 0.6

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number

Default: null

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Command used for opening a file in the outside nvim from within :terminal.

Default: ‘split’

Type: null or one of “edit”, “split”, “vsplit”, “tabe”, “drop”

Default: null

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The position of the floating window.

Available values:

  • If wintype is split/vsplit: ‘leftabove’, ‘aboveleft’, ‘rightbelow’, ‘belowright’, ‘topleft’, ‘botright’. Default: ‘botright’.

  • If wintype is float: ‘top’, ‘bottom’, ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘topleft’, ‘topright’, ‘bottomleft’, ‘bottomright’, ‘center’, ‘auto’ (at the cursor place). Default: ‘center’

In addition, there is another option ‘random’ which allows to pick a random position from above when (re)opening a floaterm window.

Type: null or string

Default: null

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Markers used to detect the project root directory for --cwd=<root>

Default: [“.project” “.git” “.hg” “.svn” “.root”]

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: null

Declared by:

Type: null or string

Default: null

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Show floaterm info (e.g., ‘floaterm: 1/3’ implies there are 3 floaterms in total and the current is the first one) at the top left corner of floaterm window.

Default: ‘floaterm: $1/$2’($1 and $2 will be substituted by ‘the index of the current floaterm’ and ‘the count of all floaterms’ respectively)

Example: ‘floaterm($1|$2)’

Type: null or string

Default: null

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Int (number of columns) or float (between 0 and 1). if float, the width is relative to &columns.

Default: 0.6

Type: null or signed integer or floating point number

Default: null

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‘float’(nvim’s floating or vim’s popup) by default. Set it to ‘split’ or ‘vsplit’ if you don’t want to use floating or popup window.

Type: null or one of “float”, “split”, “vsplit”

Default: null

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