
Dictionary controlling the behavior with off-screen matches.

Plugin default: {method = "status";}

Type: null or (submodule)

Default: null

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‘status’: Replace the status-line for off-screen matches.

If a match is off of the screen, the line belonging to that match will be displayed syntax-highlighted in the status line along with the line number (if line numbers are enabled). If the match is above the screen border, an additional Δ symbol will be shown to indicate that the matching line is really above the cursor line.

‘popup’: Show off-screen matches in a popup (vim) or floating (neovim) window.

‘status_manual’: Compute the string which would be displayed in the status-line or popup, but do not display it. The function MatchupStatusOffscreen() can be used to get the text.

Plugin default: "status"

Type: null or one of “status”, “popup”, “status_manual” or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:


When enabled, off-screen matches will not be shown in the statusline while the cursor is at the screen edge (respects the value of ‘scrolloff’). This is intended to prevent flickering while scrolling with j and k.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

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