Whether to enable the “last session” feature.

Plugin default: false

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:

Enables/disables auto creating, saving and restoring.

Plugin default: true

Type: null or boolean or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:

Allow session create/restore if in one of the list of dirs.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: null

Declared by:

Whether to enable auto creating new sessions

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Declared by:

Root directory for session files. Can be either a string or lua code (using {__raw = 'foo';}).

Plugin default: {__raw = "vim.fn.stdpath 'data' .. '/sessions/'";}

Type: null or string or raw lua code

Default: null

Declared by:

Suppress session create/restore if in one of the list of dirs.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: null

Declared by:

Include git branch name in session name to differentiate between sessions for different git branches.

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

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