
List of pattern configurations.

Type: null or (list of ((submodule) or raw lua code))

Default: null

Plugin default:

    cloak_pattern = "=.+";
    file_pattern = ".env*";
    replace = null;

Declared by:


One or several patterns to cloak.

Example: [":.+" "-.+"] for yaml files.

Type: null or string or list of string

Default: null

Plugin default: "=.+"


One or several patterns to match against. They should be valid autocommand patterns.

Type: null or string or list of string

Default: null

Plugin default: ".env*"


A function, table or string to generate the replacement. The actual replacement will contain the cloak_character where it doesn’t cover the original text. If left empty the legacy behavior of keeping the first character is retained.

Type: null or anything

Default: null