
The sources to use. Can either be a list of sourceConfigs which will be made directly to a Lua object. Or it can be a raw lua string which might be necessary for more advanced use cases.

WARNING: If plugins.cmp.autoEnableSources Nixivm will automatically enable the corresponding source plugins. This will work only when this option is set to a list. If you use a raw lua string, you will need to explicitly enable the relevant source plugins in your nixvim configuration.

Type: (list of (attribute set of anything)) or raw lua code

Default: [ ]


    name = "nvim_lsp";
    name = "luasnip";
    name = "path";
    name = "buffer";

Declared by:


A source-specific entry filter, with the following function signature:

function(entry: cmp.Entry, ctx: cmp.Context): boolean

Returning true will keep the entry, while returning false will remove it.

This can be used to hide certain entries from a given source. For instance, you could hide all entries with kind Text from the nvim_lsp filter using the following source definition:

  name = "nvim_lsp";
  entry_filter = \'\'
    function(entry, ctx)
      return require('cmp.types').lsp.CompletionItemKind[entry:get_kind()] ~= 'Text'

Using the ctx parameter, you can further customize the behaviour of the source.

Type: null or lua code string

Default: null


The source group index.

For instance, you can set the buffer’s source group_index to a larger number if you don’t want to see buffer source items while nvim-lsp source is available:

  sources = [
      name = "nvim_lsp";
      group_index = 1;
      name = "buffer";
      group_index = 2;

Type: null or (unsigned integer, meaning >=0)

Default: null


The source-specific keyword length to trigger auto completion.

Type: null or (unsigned integer, meaning >=0)

Default: null


The source-specific keyword pattern.

Type: null or lua code string

Default: null


The name of the source.

Type: string

Example: "buffer"


Any specific options defined by the source itself.

If direct lua code is needed use helpers.mkRaw.

Type: null or (attribute set of anything)

Default: null


The source-specific priority value.

Type: null or (unsigned integer, meaning >=0)

Default: null


Trigger characters.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: null