
Configure the linters you want to run per file type. It can be both an attrs or a string containing the lua code that returns the appropriate table.

Type: attribute set of (string or (attribute set))

Default: { }

Example: { }

Declared by:


Automatically append the file name to args if stdin = false Whether this parser supports content input via stdin. In that case the filename is automatically added to the arguments.

Default: true

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Example: false


List of arguments. Can contain functions with zero arguments that will be evaluated once the linter is used.

Default: []

Type: null or (list of (string or raw lua code))

Default: null

Example: null


The command to call the linter

Type: string

Example: "linter_cmd"


Custom environment table to use with the external process. Note that this replaces the entire environment, it is not additive.

Type: null or (attribute set of string)

Default: null


  FOO = "bar";


Whether the linter exiting with a code !=0 should be considered normal.

Default: false

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Example: true


The code for your parser function.

Type: lua function string


  require('lint.parser').from_pattern(pattern, groups, severity_map, defaults, opts)


Whether this parser supports content input via stdin. In that case the filename is automatically added to the arguments.

Default: true

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Example: false


configure the stream to which the linter outputs the linting result.

Default: "stdout"

Type: null or one of “stdout”, “stderr”, “both”

Default: null

Example: "stderr"