
Closure notation in type and chaining inlay hints.


  • impl_fn: impl_fn: impl FnMut(i32, u64) -> i8
  • rust_analyzer: rust_analyzer: |i32, u64| -> i8
  • with_id: with_id: {closure#14352}, where that id is the unique number of the closure in r-a internals
  • hide: hide: Shows ... for every closure type

Type: null or one of “impl_fn”, “rust_analyzer”, “with_id”, “hide”

Default: null

Plugin default: "impl_fn"


Maximum length for inlay hints. Set to null to have an unlimited length.

Type: null or signed integer

Default: null

Plugin default: 25


Whether to render leading colons for type hints, and trailing colons for parameter hints.

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Plugin default: true