
Whether to show inlay hints for type adjustments.


  • always: Always show all adjustment hints.
  • never: Never show adjustment hints.
  • reborrow: Only show auto borrow and dereference adjustment hints.

Type: null or one of “always”, “never”, “reborrow”

Default: null

Plugin default: "never"


Whether to hide inlay hints for type adjustments outside of unsafe blocks.

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Plugin default: false


Whether to show inlay hints as postfix ops (.* instead of *, etc).


  • prefix: Always show adjustment hints as prefix (*expr).
  • postfix: Always show adjustment hints as postfix (expr.*).
  • prefer_prefix: Show prefix or postfix depending on which uses less parenthesis, preferring prefix.
  • prefer_postfix: Show prefix or postfix depending on which uses less parenthesis, preferring postfix.

Type: null or one of “prefix”, “postfix”, “prefer_prefix”, “prefer_postfix”

Default: null

Plugin default: "prefix"