
Enables automatic discovery of projects using [DiscoverWorkspaceConfig::command].

[DiscoverWorkspaceConfig] also requires setting progress_label and files_to_watch. progress_label is used for the title in progress indicators, whereas files_to_watch is used to determine which build system-specific files should be watched in order to reload rust-analyzer.

Below is an example of a valid configuration:

"rust-analyzer.workspace.discoverConfig": {
        "command": [
        "progressLabel": "rust-analyzer",
        "filesToWatch": [

On DiscoverWorkspaceConfig::command

Warning: This format is provisional and subject to change.

[DiscoverWorkspaceConfig::command] must return a JSON object corresponding to DiscoverProjectData::Finished:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(tag = "kind")]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum DiscoverProjectData {
        Finished { buildfile: Utf8PathBuf, project: ProjectJsonData },
        Error { error: String, source: Option<String> },
        Progress { message: String },

As JSON, DiscoverProjectData::Finished is:

        // the internally-tagged representation of the enum.
        "kind": "finished",
        // the file used by a non-Cargo build system to define
        // a package or target.
        "buildfile": "rust-analyzer/BUILD",
        // the contents of a rust-project.json, elided for brevity
        "project": {
                "sysroot": "foo",
                "crates": []

It is encouraged, but not required, to use the other variants on DiscoverProjectData to provide a more polished end-user experience.

DiscoverWorkspaceConfig::command may optionally include an {arg}, which will be substituted with the JSON-serialized form of the following enum:

#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum DiscoverArgument {

The JSON representation of DiscoverArgument::Path is:

        "path": "src/"

Similarly, the JSON representation of DiscoverArgument::Buildfile is:

        "buildfile": "BUILD"

DiscoverArgument::Path is used to find and generate a rust-project.json, and therefore, a workspace, whereas DiscoverArgument::buildfile is used to to update an existing workspace. As a reference for implementors, buck2’s rust-project will likely be useful:

Type: null or (submodule)

Default: null

Plugin default: null


Type: list of string


Type: list of string


Type: string